Watched because of Xiaoshuo, although it ended already. This one is the second half of Kill Bill, which tells the whole story, and it's really complicated. Bill is a killer, thus it's reasonable that his personality is kinda twisted. But Kiddo is a killer as well, and once in a while she will be a ****, and caused this complex kill and revenge.
Takuya 2020-09-28
维普拉斯 2020-07-31
MonsieurF 2019-10-03
Watched because of Xiaoshuo, although it ended already. This one is the second half of Kill Bill, which tells the whole story, and it's really complicated. Bill is a killer, thus it's reasonable that his personality is kinda twisted. But Kiddo is a killer as well, and once in a while she will be a ****, and caused this complex kill and revenge.
不讲道理 2019-09-26
我真的看不懂 从坟墓里爬出来让我想起我唾弃你的坟墓
孙蓠鬯 2019-08-13
Mr.孙 2019-05-18
许多熊 2019-03-23
患有系列电影必须看全症,已放弃治疗。//续集依旧伴着盛大满溢的配乐,讲一个意气风发的**故事。或者说不算续集,是上下集。故事线基本走向释疑,节奏更慢,感情更粗犷浪漫。乌玛瑟曼已经和角色融为一体,像是Bill最后关于超级英雄的比喻,她生来就是**,脱下战*才能走到我们之间,带着永远平复不了的波澜万丈。//棺材板都压不住 你说说
宛如一株小梧桐 2019-02-12
做梦都想不到她居然是用白眉鹰王的五雷穿心掌**了Bill,*了个气。 不过这部废话有点多,节奏没有第一部明快。