"Moi Cesar" is a charming movie about the growing pains of a plump, insecure boy, wonderfully embodied by Jules Sitruk. He and his two best pals form a strong friendship that reaches its **** when they run off to London to look for Cesar's friend's British father. They are aided by Anna Karina in a rare role as an Auntie Mame-like character, a punk
NotFound404 2023-07-30
玄〔已注销〕 2023-07-18
韩程 2022-03-20
平凡小胖子在帮助好兄弟找爸爸的过程中俘获心上人芳心的故事 题外话:国外小盆友是真的勇啊!敢在没监护人陪同就去异国他乡找爸,想想都可怕
造次必于是 2020-11-02
17min,是不是有原著啊,这么大段一口气不停的第一视角独白,语气是大人想象中审视着大人的孩子 ps查了下没有,Richard Berry ... (original idea) Eric Assous ... (scenario) & Richard Berry ... (scenario),更不能理解了,为什么要这么写
孟卿 2020-02-10
xiaoxiongdi 2019-06-02
即使情节天马行空,生活还是需要**助燃剂。you need to be happy anyway.
在逃**骗子 2018-12-29
最近很喜欢看这种类型的电影,搞笑又**,小时候(甚至现在)也爱像凯撒这么爱胡思乱想,期待自己和大家有什么不一样 P.s凯撒妈妈真的是满满的法式优雅
🥬 2018-12-01
小盆友觉得他爹进**真是哈哈哈 很可爱的片子
观海云远 2018-08-03
"Moi Cesar" is a charming movie about the growing pains of a plump, insecure boy, wonderfully embodied by Jules Sitruk. He and his two best pals form a strong friendship that reaches its **** when they run off to London to look for Cesar's friend's British father. They are aided by Anna Karina in a rare role as an Auntie Mame-like character, a punk
Heyvin 2011-08-13