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Star Road NCT 127 篇
OSEN’s “Star Road” is a program where Korean celebrities showcase charms that haven’t been seen yet or a different side of celebrities than the ones fans know on stage. From casual interviews to real daily life footage, it is expected to be well-received by fans.
coco果果 2022-07-07
数人就是在***点儿小游戏我就满足了 真的很爱看
momo 2020-06-17
2019/2020年都有strar road新年特别节目,一个小时左右的内容剪辑成二三十集,也是*气,幸好补物料可以一鼓作气全看完✌🏻成员们做小游戏/包饺子/贴贺卡/聊聊天,十分日常。蛮喜欢19年雾蒙蒙又很温柔的滤镜,少年们存在即治愈。20年的小剧场环节,有一个场景是女朋友提了分手,yuta淡淡的说了一句byebye,选择不挽留,是酷guy,CP粉有被默默伤到啦😢👋🏻