When you walk through a storm Hold your head up high And don't be afraid of the dark At the end of a storm There's a golden sky And the sweet silver song of a lark Walk on through the wind Walk on through the rain For your dreams be tossed and blown Walk on, walk on With hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone You'll never walk alone
心月❤不归° 2024-07-15
昨日如死 2023-01-31
When you walk through a storm Hold your head up high And don't be afraid of the dark At the end of a storm There's a golden sky And the sweet silver song of a lark Walk on through the wind Walk on through the rain For your dreams be tossed and blown Walk on, walk on With hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone You'll never walk alone
跳跳虎一世 2022-11-15
沉默的若亚 2022-01-21
Hana-bi 2021-04-09
Luis Suarez 2020-04-05
一粒傻兔 2019-06-26
郭小桔 2019-06-03
Dersteppenwolf 2019-06-02
哇还有这条目…利物浦是冠军!!!爱**铺的第一年 有幸见证4-0巴萨大逆转 直到夺冠!!爱你铺一辈子罢了
流光溢彩` 2019-05-08