火星时代:深入SpaceX原名:MARS: Inside SpaceX,又名Marte: Dentro del Falcon Heavy
MARS: Inside SpaceX will go inside SpaceX's plan to get humanity to Mars, providing an unprecedented glimpse into one of the world's most revolutionary companies. Filmed over the course of three years - this journey will take us behind the scenes with Elon Musk and his engineers - as they persevere amidst both disheartening setbacks and huge triumphs to advance the ***** indust...
发布于2018年。由Julia Reagan执导,并于2018-11-12(美国)公映的电影。
至尊活宝 2024-03-16
20240316 Elon Musk; B站;一家私人公司而不是国家,对人类跨星球的**进行投资;Elon阐述了近50年人类的太空技术只有退步,没有进步;去火星需要降成本,用可重复使用的火箭,Falcon Heavy最终的成功;6分,Elon加一分;
行走的雕像 2024-02-14
最具难度的创业赛道之一..他成功了..这得是有多强的综合能力啊。 /这个纪录片戛然而止的感觉,要是再深入和全面一点就好了。
L. 2022-05-22
"It‘s one of those things that's a reason to live. Life cannot just be about solving one miserable problem after another. There have to be reasons that, when you wake up in the morning and you look forward to being alive, and you are excited about the future." 人类在浩渺宇宙中存在的那种强大和脆弱真的太美了...
陶子冬 2022-05-02
lucas流窜地球 2021-05-24
值得激动人心的人类之大**,在***此岸几乎没有掀起声浪。我们在忙什么? 一年贸易战,一年新冠,又一年疫情扩散,世界似乎从一段时期的整合联结,开始滑入下一阶段的分崩离析。。。
ivan 2020-05-18
真正的***精神 — Entrepreneurship是开疆拓土。
Neo Anderson 2020-03-07
孤独的√3 2020-02-25
hammerkj 2020-01-11
22分钟音乐超级棒 带感 额我看的不是这个
mi4444d 2019-09-24