Silicon valley is unique. Silicon valley is an idea. It's an idea that you can swim against the tides of tradition, that you can be an innovator, that one person or a small band of people can come up with something that changes the world in a ridiculously short period of time, and be rewarded for it. That's the essence of silicon valley.
散淡的人 2023-11-07
Silicon valley is unique. Silicon valley is an idea. It's an idea that you can swim against the tides of tradition, that you can be an innovator, that one person or a small band of people can come up with something that changes the world in a ridiculously short period of time, and be rewarded for it. That's the essence of silicon valley.
来自中部 2023-10-18
卧锦 2020-10-13
很不错的纪录片。半个多世纪以前,从做出成果到得奖的周期还比较短,比如Shockley在1947年发明晶体管,1956年就得了****。感觉Shockley的后半生有点凄凉,anyway人这一辈子能做成一件事就已经很不容易了。Traitorous Eight和Fairchild的故事真精彩。另外,在光纤的部分只提到了Narinder Singh Kapany,没有提到高锟,在我探索了一番谁才是光纤之父之后,才注意到高锟是在英国完成的这项工作。→https://***.quora****/Who-was-the-inventor-of-fiber-optic-Charles-K-***-or-Narinder-Singh-Kapany
小呀么小胖纸 2019-10-21