749局 12-06
僵尸100:在成为僵尸前要做的100件事 11-07
危机航线 11-30
女囚风暴1995 10-12
第一次接触原名:First Contact,
This documentary presents footage of the first contact between the highland tribes of Papua New Guinea, and European explorers. In the 1930s three Australian's, Michael, Daniel and James Leahy were the first white people to venture into the vast New Guinean interior. They searched for gold and found 1 million highland tribespeople who had previously had no contact with the outs...
小巴不良 2023-02-14
天秤天蝎座 2022-10-05
随机选择国家去看一部有关这个国家的电影,结果找到了Papua New Guinea. 其实作为纪录片的拍摄立场应该是中立的,自述里,白人毫无愧疚,原住民看似没多少怨言,不是白人在装,原住民还没懂吗。。。
嗝屁唄: 2019-09-17
鴍諌🌈 2016-10-20
人类学prof没忍住拿了这个片子抖机灵,真是开眼啊!在50年后回溯1930年的纪录影像,茫茫五十年从未开化到被殖民,从部落到乡村,讨论主题发展的代价这个片子很应景 。结尾三个大妈边编筐边讨论年轻时**的男人简直萌哭
烛芯点亮时 2016-02-17
The sheer gulf between the two cultures and the massive failures of understanding on both sides
hztz 2016-02-05
大师 2015-11-26
这才是真正的First Contact!太精彩了
Adrian 2015-08-21
又又 2011-08-10
after i had *** with the whiteman, i knew that he is man, he has *** organs too, not spirits!
左树 2011-06-02
Regarding a certain isolated community, the ignorance towards the outer world led to the development of religion and superstition etc.