749局 12-06
僵尸100:在成为僵尸前要做的100件事 11-07
危机航线 11-30
女囚风暴1995 10-12
对角交响曲原名:Symphonie Diagonale,又名Diagonal Symphony
A tilted figure, consisting largely of right angles at the beginning, grows by accretion, with the addition of short straight lines and curves which sprout from the existing design. The figure vanishes and the process begins again with a new pattern, each cycle lasting one or two seconds. The complete figures are drawn in a vaguely Art Deco style and could be said to resemble a...
Lumos 2023-08-14
Viking Eggeling作品,7min29s版本。达达主义,音乐**化,抽象几何图形来回变迁。总觉得史云梅耶的《**狂想曲》有致敬嫌疑。
censored dump 2022-03-22
20220217 at WBM 好看,一些像乐器又像梳子的斜霓虹,奏鸣曲式。
Pierre Douce 2022-02-23
Viking Eggeling唯一留存作品,表现抽象本身的音乐性,而反对另外增加配乐
沉默在冥王星下 2013-11-19
Lies and lies 2012-10-17
*******上2006年Olga Neuwirth配乐的版本不错,不过关掉音乐更佳
七七若溪 2011-09-25
via。文 2011-04-01
囍夭夭 2010-03-26
飞天**猪 2009-03-11