749局 01-24
僵尸100:在成为僵尸前要做的100件事 11-07
危机航线 11-30
女囚风暴1995 10-12
冲向极限原名:Am Limit,又名To the limit
Daredevil mountain climbers on their attempt to break yet another speed climbing record.
Fading Memories 2013-07-12
Huber brothers, the best climber in the world.
Puppy 2013-04-14
Dreams have to be dreamed to the en. If not today, maybe tomorrow. 大概只有经常面对死亡的人,才会对生活有这样的热情
大胃鱼 2011-10-13
留白 2009-12-14
不仅仅是一部攀岩题材的纪录片。导演一共拍摄了三部体育题材纪录片,都是透过运动的艰难、残酷,展现人性向上的本质。整部片子1小时37分钟,是部杰作。高度概括全片理念的,是结尾黑色屏幕上那一行小字:The dreams have to be dreamed to the end.