45 Days in Harvar在线观看和下载

45 Days in Harvar (2020)

  • 别名:45 días en Jarbar
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 2020-06-01(墨西哥)
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45 Days in Harvar又名45 días en Jarbar

Taking flight from its central creative process, 45 Days in Harvar expands into something much **** nuanced: an examination of the prison ****** through first-person testimony and collective reflections. As Aréchiga’s debut documentary, it stands out as a work of empathetic humanism, and emblematizes the principle that art is never created in a vacuum.

发布于2020年。由César Aréchiga执导,并且由编剧César Aréchiga、Clementina Mantellini携幕后团队创作。并于2020-06-01(墨西哥)公映的电影。

L'llariit 2020-06-15


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