In suburban Tokyo, the Kobayashis – Mikio, his young second wife Natsuki, and his young adolescent daughter Eriko, who was borne out of his first marriage – live in a small flat above the family printing business. Mikio inherited the business and the flat from his father who passed away two years ago. Temporarily living with them is Mikio’s divorced sister Seiko, who is there u...
款待高清正片在线观看。 更新于10-08 18:02),播放来源于云播TP。
剧情介绍:高清正片-In suburban Tokyo, the Kobayashis – Mikio, his young second wife Natsuki, and his young adolescent daughter Eriko, who was borne out of his first marriage – live in a small flat above the family printing business. Mikio inherited the business and the flat from his father who passed away two years ago. Temporarily living with them is Mikio’s divorced sister Seiko, who is there u...——穷电影提供。